Grid Solar Power System Prices For Home In India

An on-grid solar System is a type of solar power system that is connected to the electrical grid and allows homeowners and businesses to generate their electricity while still having access to the grid.

Here are some key features and benefits:

Key Features:

1. Grid-tied inverter: Converts DC power from solar panels to AC power for home use and grid connection.

2. Net metering: Measures excess energy produced and exports it to the grid.

3. Grid connection: Allows for import and export of energy as needed.

Benefits of Installing Grid-Connected Solar System

1. Reduced electricity bills: Generate your energy and reduce your reliance on the grid.

2. Sell excess energy back to the grid: Earn credits or revenue through net metering.

3. Increased energy independence: Produce your clean energy and reduce your carbon footprint.

4. Low maintenance: Grid-tied systems require minimal maintenance and monitoring.

5. Cost-effective: On-grid systems are often less expensive than off-grid systems.

Cost of Grid-Connected Solar System for Homes in India

According to MNRE Benchmark Cost is the lowest quoted project cost for a rooftop solar system up to 1 kW was ₹50,000/kW, ₹47,000/kW for a 1 kW to 2 kW system, ₹45,000/kW for a 2 kW to 3 kW system, ₹44,000/kW for a 3 kW to 10 kW system. For the systems of 10 kW to 100 kW, the lowest project cost quoted was ₹38,000/kW and ₹36,000/kW for systems of 100 kW to 500 kW. But, if any consumer wants to install a grid-connected solar system without a subsidy scheme, the Grid Solar system Prices For Home are ₹ 60,000 to ₹ 80,000 all-inclusive. 

How Grid-Tied Solar System For Home Works:

1. Solar panels generate DC power. 2. The grid-tied inverter converts DC power to AC power. 3. AC power is used to power electrical loads in the home or business. 4. Excess energy is exported to the grid through the net meter. 5. The utility company provides energy when needed and tracks excess energy production.

Component used in on-grid solar system

In a grid-tied solar system, several key components work together to harness solar energy and convert it into electricity that can be used in homes or businesses while also integrating with the existing electrical grid. Here’s an overview of the main components typically found in such systems:

Solar Panels: These are the most visible part of any solar system. Solar panels are made up of photovoltaic cells that convert sunlight into direct current (DC) electricity. The number and size of panels depend on the energy needs of the property and the available space for installation.

Inverter: Solar panels produce DC electricity, but most household appliances and the electrical grid operate on alternating current (AC). Connected Home Solar Inverters convert the DC electricity generated by the solar panels into AC electricity that can be used in your home or fed into the grid. The Prices of Solar Inverters for Homes are based on the type, company, and size of the inverters.

Structure: Solar panels need to be mounted securely on a roof, ground, or other structures. Mounting structures vary depending on the type of installation (roof-mounted, ground-mounted, or pole-mounted) and the specific requirements of the site.

DC Disconnect: This is a safety device that allows the system owner or installer to disconnect the DC power output from the solar panels. It is typically located between the solar panels and the inverter.

AC Disconnect: Similar to the DC disconnect, the AC disconnect allows for the disconnection of the AC power output from the inverter. It is usually located between the inverter and the main electrical panel of the property.

Metering Equipment: Grid-tied solar systems often require additional metering equipment to measure the amount of electricity generated by the solar panels and the amount of electricity imported or exported to the grid. This may include production meters, net meters, or bidirectional meters.

Monitoring System: Many grid-tied solar systems include monitoring equipment that allows the system owner to track the performance and production of the solar panels in real time. This can help identify any issues or inefficiencies and optimize the system’s performance.

Conclusion — These components work together seamlessly to harness solar energy efficiently and integrate it into the existing electrical infrastructure, providing renewable and sustainable power for homes and businesses. On-grid solar systems are a popular choice for homeowners and businesses that want to reduce their energy bills and carbon footprint while still having access to the grid.
