Luminous Solar Inverters Price List at Ujjawal Solar

Luminous Solar Inverters:- This is the time when Everyone wants 24-hour light in Their houses. So they use inverters and batteries in houses to store electricity for backup during light cutoff. But now there is more electricity cutoff in all day. And electricity bills are very high. Lots of people are in trouble due to high electricity bills. So in this situation, a solar system is the best option to prevent electricity bills and power cuts during the summer season.

Equipment in the solar system:- Many types of equipment are used to install a complete solar system, like solar panels, solar inverters, solar batteries, solar charge controllers, panels stand, wires, and connectors.

Use of luminous solar inverters in a solar system:- 

When we install solar panels on the rooftop then solar panels convert sunlight into electricity. and this electricity flows in the batteries with the help of a wire. Then luminous solar inverters convert DC Current into AC current. Luminous solar inverters are used to convert sunlight into electricity with the help of solar panels. you can install solar panels on your roof. when the solar panels generate energy with the help of sunlight and transfer it into a solar inverter with the help of wire and the solar inverter converts it into electricity.

Luminous Solar Inverters Prices:-

The solar Inverter accounts for approximately 25–30% of the total solar system cost. Here we are providing the Best Luminous Solar Inverters Prices In India. The solar inverter price will start at 3,600 per unit and go up to 1,30,000. In terms of per-watt price, Solar Inverter varies between 6–10 Rs per watt.

Luminous Solar NXG Hybrid Inverter 1100/12V Rs. 5,900

Luminous Solar NXG Hybrid Inverter 1800/24V Rs. 8,300

Luminous Solar Hybrid Inverter 1400–12V Rs. 7,200

Luminous solar nxt 2 kW off-grid hybrid inverter Rs. 37,600

Luminous solar nxt 3 kW off-grid hybrid inverter Rs. 39,800

Solar Inverter efficiency & warranty:-

On-grid solar inverters have 97% higher efficiencies while Off-Grid inverters have between 80%-87% efficiencies. In India, Brands provide up to 5 years warranty on a Grid-Tied inverter, whereas off-grid inverters have for 1–2 year warranty.

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Solar panels online at low cost

Conclusion:- In This article, we describe all the important information about the Luminous brand. We provide a Price list of Solar Inverters For homes in India, the working of solar inverters, and how to install solar inverters with the solar system. If you want to buy a solar system for your home then visit the Ujjawal Solar e-commerce website.

